奈良美智 ☆Too Young to Die Dish☆

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Yoshitomo Nara:Too Young To Die Dish本週為大家介紹龐克系奈良美智商品Too Young to Die Dish!!

lammfromm staff 之間都暱稱為「Nara Dish」的「Too Young to Die」Dish其實是超大尺寸的煙灰缸~ 對有抽煙習慣的朋友來說大尺寸的Nara Dish煙灰缸真是太方便了呢!啊、不對不對,抽煙有害身體健康,抽煙的朋友還是要注意一下喔。刁根煙的小女孩加上Too Young to Die字句,也許Nara Dish會讓你不知不覺就把煙戒掉了?

當然不管是否抽煙,大家都愛不釋手的Nara Dish,這麼可愛怎麼捨得拿來當煙灰缸呢!?

直徑有25公分的Nara Dish,陶器質感非常適合拿來裝飾在房間或客廳,存在感滿點喔~ 另外也很推薦用來當作置物盤,放鑰匙、手機等小東西喔!奈良美智也實際在用的Nara Dish,在他的紀錄片電影「跟著奈良美智去旅行」裡有悄悄的出現在奈良美智的工作室裡喔~ 眼尖的朋友也許在看電影時有發現,大家也可以試著找一下,看看奈良美智在Nara Dish裡放了什麼東西(笑)。



The best collection for smokers!? “Too Yong To Die” Dish of Yoshitomo Nara!
Yoshitomo Nara’s art product Nara dish is from his artwork “Too Yong To Die” in 2001. This big size dish is made as an ashtray. Languid smoking girl with an impressive phrase, maybe it will be a helpful ashtray for quit smoking?
Nara dish is made by ceramic, and its size is about 25cm diameter. Nara dish is too lovely to use it as an ashtray. How about use it as a fashionable item to decorate your sweet home!