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即將進入炎炎夏日的季節,大家過的可好?今年3月份lammfromm海外專門網站Contemporary Art & Design Online Store以全新面貌跟大家見面以來,小編我好像一直還沒跟大家介紹自己呢(謎之聲:你也太慢了吧…),我是負責lammfromm海外部分的小編kou~大家如果有任何問題、意見或是想要分享的都很歡迎喔~


Yoshitomo Nara夏天到了就是應該要去海邊!坐在電腦前嚮往著想去海邊玩的小編我今天要為大家介紹去海邊的必備用品:奈良美智海灘毛巾!海灘毛巾是奈良美智與WOW Project共同合作的商品;WOW(Works on Whatever) Project是由NPO(非營利團體組織) 「Art Production Fund」基金會所舉辦的活動。APF支援並每年和不同的藝術家合作;APF希望能普及當代藝術並設計出跨越藝術與生活界線的藝術商品。

2010年推出限量生產的商品則是奈良美智海灘毛巾,毛巾上的圖案則是來自奈良美智1999年的作品「well」。特色為超~大~尺寸的海灘毛巾,到底有多大呢,178 x 152公分大小的毛巾需要兩個大人一人一邊拉住才能完全展開。平常可以拿來當成毛毯、床單或是掛在牆上做為室內裝潢,非常有存在感喔!現在正適合帶著這條可愛的海灘毛巾去海邊玩,或是參加夏天戶外音樂祭!



Go to beach with Yoshitomo Nara’s charming beach towel!

Yoshitomo NaraHello! I’m Kou from lammfromm Contemporary Art & Design Online Store and let me introduce you the beach towel produced by WOW Project x Yoshitomo Nara!

The print in beach towel is from Nara’s work “well” released in 1999. The charming point of this beach towel is its BIG SIZE. Don’t forget to bring the adorable beach towel when go bathing in the sea with your family!! Of course you could use it as bed cover, bedding blanket or just hang it on the wall as a painting!

WOW (Works on Whatever): is part of Art Production Fund’s WOW project; a unique collection of everyday items designed by artists. APF invites artists to experiment with the latest commercial materials and techniques to bring art off the walls and into homes as everyday objects. WOW introduces contemporary art to a larger community, with revenues from sales supporting our non-profit mission. WOW functions conceptually with APF’s program of expanding art audiences and helps fund additional major public art initiatives. Art Production Fund (APF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to producing ambitious public art projects, reaching new audiences and expanding awareness through contemporary art.