奈良美智「Print Works明信片盒組」☆

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New Yoshitomo Nara Postcard Set熱騰騰的奈良美智新商品「Print Works明信片盒組」在lammfromm新登場~

今年2月在六本木Hills三樓的ROPPONGI HILLS ART&DESIGN STORE內新開廊的ROPPONGI HILLS A/D GALLERY,新開幕的第一個展覽就是奈良美智木版畫展「Print Works」。 此次展覽由奈良美智挑選想展出的版畫作品,其中並包括在紐約PACE PRINTS新發表的作品。

做為Print Works展覽的周邊商品而出爐的就是令人愛不釋手的「Print Works明信片盒組」。 內容包括10張明信片、1張貼紙、及收納明信片的鐵盒。大小約17.3×12公分的明信片,尺寸比普通明信片大張,存在感滿點~還有跟明信片圖案一樣的貼紙,跟明信片一樣精美可愛讓人捨不得用呢。最後最後!就是明信片收藏盒,正反面都印有此次版畫作品的圖案,大小也正適合拿來收納明信片與信件~擺在書桌上當擺飾也非常適合喔!




New postcard box set of Yoshitomo Nara is in stock now!

Print Works postcard box set is from new woodcut works of Yoshitomo Nara that was published by PACE PRINTS of NY, and exhibited in Roppongi Hills Art&Design gallery. "Print Works" woodcut exhibition is also the open exhibition of Roppongi Hills Art&Design gallery in Feb, 2011.

Print Works postcard box set is the exhibition product which including 10 postcards and one sticker with a special box. The special box is printed with cute drawings that is not only can be a decoration, you also could use it as a container. Don’t miss these unique postcards!

By the artist's hope, his proceeds of the postcard set will contribute to the Japan Northeast Pacific Earthquake disaster.