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kusamayayoi CULTURAL TIES大家都說女人的衣櫥裡永遠都少一件衣服,那男人的話也許就是永遠都少一條領帶?這次要為大家介紹的是讓人一眼就難以忘記的藝術商品CULTURAL TIES。

倫敦Jariwala/westzone Gallery的負責人Kapil Jariwala策劃的活動「CULTURAL TIES PROJECT」,在此企劃中誕生的藝術商品「CULTURAL TIES」。Kapil Jariwala邀請世界各國的當代藝術家設計各自的領帶,想藉此促進各國之間的文化交流,也希望追求衣飾配件「領帶」的更大可能性。不僅歐美,亞洲當代藝術家如草間彌生、會田誠等人也都響應了此活動。

lammfromm要推薦給大家的是堪稱代表日本的當代藝術家草間彌生的CULTURAL TIES。有「前衛藝術女王」之稱的草間彌生從小就患有神經性視聽障礙,她所看到的世界佈滿了圓點並進而形成無限網狀延伸的奇妙空間。投身於藝術的草間彌生把自己看到的一切化為作品,佈滿斑點和無限網狀並且用色強烈有如身處奇幻世界。現年已超過80歲的草間彌生仍持續創作,作品超越年代到現在依然深得大家的喜愛。

嶄新的融合藝術與時尚,CULTURAL TIES不僅可穿戴也可收藏。不論是喜歡草間彌生,還是喜愛藝術、追求獨特的你,千萬不要錯過。


CULTURAL TIES由義大利知名紡織公司RATTI限量手工生產製作,領帶反面並繡有藝術家簽名;每條領帶都附有收納盒和寫有編號的保證卡,並且附贈一本CULTURAL TIES Catalogue,收錄有參加此次活動的藝術家所設計的領帶和介紹(英文)。


Cultural Ties Project is started by Kapil Jariwala, owner of Jariwala/westzone Gallery in London. Cultural ties are designed by leading artists from around the world and hand made by the Ratti silk mills in Como, Italy.

Each tie is limited edition of 300 and has artist’s embroidered sign on the back of neck tie. Boxed in a specially made acrylic case and has a guarantee card with serial number. Moreover, with a Cultural Tie catalogue thrown in.

Extraordinary cultural ties are both wearable and a collectable accessory, as a rare and innovative fushion of art and fashion.

Yayoi Kusama is one of the most popular Japanese contemporary artists known for polka dots and infinity nets art works.